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Care Plus ELA Plan

Who is eligible for this plan?

Care Plus ELA is the plan for government retirees subscribed to Parts A and B of Medicare. In addition, optional dependents of active government employees will be eligible for the supplemental coverage as long as they are not subscribed to Medicare on grounds of disability or End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD).

What is Care Plus ELA?

Your supplemental coverage, Care Plus ELA, provides Benefits for persons with both parts of the Medicare Program (Parts A and B) and is subject to the guidelines established by the Medicare Program. The plan insures the eligible person with the acceptable expense for deductibles and coinsurances, in accordance to the accepted charges by Medicare, for medical-surgical services and other health services received under Medicare. The Medicare program pays 80% of the reasonable charges after deducting the annual deductible. Your Care Plus ELA pays the remaining 20% of the reasonable charges accepted by Medicare.

The changes made as a result of Federal Legislation in the amounts of deductibles or coinsurance established by Medicare, will be covered by Triple-S Salud in accordance with the coverage dispositions. Care Plus ELA will covered the amounts approved by Medicare in Puerto Rico based on the usual, customary and reasonable charges.


The following table describes some of the benefits, deductibles and coinsurances covered by Medicare and Your Care Plus ELA plan.

Hospital Services
Dedicible period of illness $1,556 $0 $1,556 $0
First 60 days 100% $0 $0
Days 61 to 90 All, except $389 daily $389 daily $0
While the 60 days of lifetime reserve are used All, except $778 daily $778 daily $0
Once the 365 additional days of lifetime reserve are used $0 100% of the eligible expenses of Medicare $0*
First 20 days 100% $0 $0
Days 21 al 100 All, except $194.50 daily $194.50 daily $0
Day 101 and subsequent days $0 $0 All expenses

Physician services, supplies and medical services for hospitalized and ambulatory patients, physical and speech therapy, diagnostic tests, durable medical equipment.

Annual Deductible $0 $233 $0
Coinsurance 80% 20% $0
First 3 pint $0 100% $0

* When your Part A Medicare hospital benefit has been exhausted, Triple-S Salud will pay any amount Medicare would have paid up to 365 additional days, as provided in the policy’s basic coverage. During this period the hospital cannot charge you for the balance based in any difference between the billed charges and the amount Medicare would have paid.

Care Plus ELA Summary of Coverage

In the Care Plus ELA Summary, you will find detailed information about your costs and Medicare health coverage as well as how to obtain the medical services you need in Puerto Rico and the United States. Learn all the details.

ELA Individual Pharmacy Plan Brochure and Policy

The brochure for the ELA Individual Pharmacy plan provides a summary of benefits under the plan, some of the copays and/or coinsurances applicable for the purchase of prescribed drugs.

You will find detailed information about your standalone Rx plan, copays and/or coinsurances applicable for the purchase of medically necessary drugs and included in your Prescription Drug list.

This Standalone Rx plan is not a substitute for Medicare’s Part D, nor does it substitute medication benefits covered under Medicare. It does not pay for Medicare’s deductibles or coinsurances and it is not a substitute for any supplemental Medicare coverage.

ELA Frequently Asked Questions

Authorized by Comisión Estatal de Elecciones CEE-SA-16-12280.

787-277-6653 787-474-6326