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Prevention, your best defense against COVID-19

At Triple-S we want you protected against COVID-19.  Your best defense is prevention through social distancing, use of masks, frequent hand washing, vaccination (depending on the phase) and keeping yourself informed with reliable health sources.

We are in a rapidly evolving situation, which now includes important measures taken by the government of Puerto Rico to stop the spread. Therefore, it is essential to review the information that health experts have shared about this virus and recommended preventive measures.

For reliable and updated information about COVID-19, visit If you think you may have symptoms of the virus and want to check online, use the CDC’s tool Coronavirus Self-Check to help you make decisions about seeking appropriate medical care.

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Recommended preventive measures

For your safety and health, we recommend the following:

  • Stay home, and if you must go out, keep your distance (at least six feet) from other people. Avoid hugs, handshakes, and kissing. Avoid touching your face.
  • Wash your hands frequently and scrub them thoroughly with soap for at least 20 seconds. You can also use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol content when you don't have access to soap and water.
  • Patients with chronic conditions must have on hand a supply of medications for at least 30 days.
  • If you come into contact with a person who is infected or suspected of infection, stay at home for 14 days. Take your temperature twice a day during that period.
  • If you develop a dry cough, fever, and shortness of breath, contact your doctor immediately.
  • Eat well, sleep enough hours, exercise, and maintain a healthy attitude.
What is Triple-S doing to protect its members during the COVID-19 crisis?
  • We cover the COVID-19 laboratory test without coinsurance or copay, by medical recommendation and according to CDC protocols. In the case of contagion and illness, we also cover related health services. See laboratory directories.
  • We have expanded how doctors and psychologists can care for their patients. They will now be able to use phone calls to replace office visits in most cases. This has the advantage of avoiding unnecessary exposure of contagion for patients, office staff, and the doctor. They can send orders for laboratory tests by email and send prescriptions directly to the pharmacy through the e-prescribing system.
  • We have made the dispensing of medicines more flexible. To avoid health complications, members who take daily or maintenance medications can obtain an early refill from their pharmacies. Importantly, this does not apply to controlled drugs, which do require a new prescription.Members also have available
  • TeleConsulta, a telephone-based health information service that provides support when people feel unwell but don't know what kind of care to seek, or need advice for self-care measures at home. This line is available 24 hours and is attended by experienced registered nurses and backed by the most advanced technology.
  • TeleConsulta MD is an option for members who have this benefit as part of their plan, which allows them to make virtual medical consultations through their cell phone, tablet or computer.
787-277-6653 787-474-6326