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Persons: 1


Outpatient Services

Annual Medical Deductible ?
General Practitioner/ PCP ?
Specialist ?
Subspecialist ?
Nutritionist ?
Chiropractor ?
Outpatient Facility ?
Prescribed Medical Equipment (DME) ?

Preventive Services

Preventive Services ?

Laboratory, X-Ray, Specialized and Imaging

Laboratories ?
X-Rays ?
Sonograms, CT, MRI ?

Emergency/Urgent Care Services

Urgent Care Services ?
Emergency Services: Accident / Illness ?


Hospitalization/Inpatient Partial (Including Mental Health) ?
Hospitalization/Inpatient Complete (Including Mental Health) ?
Skilled Nursing Facility ?

Surgical Assistant

Surgical Assistant ?

Emergency Services in the United States or Services in Cases that Require Equipment, Treatment and Facilities That Are Not Available In Puerto Rico.

Emergency Services in the United States or Services in Cases that Require Equipment, Treatment and Facilities That Are Not Available In Puerto Rico. ?
Urgent Care Services in the United States - Sanitas ?


Refraction Test
(Vision for Children and Adults) ?
Pediatric Vision (Visual Correction Lenses or Frames for Visual Correction Lenses) ?
Glasses or contact lenses for Adults ?

Dental Coverage

Preventive and Diagnostic ?

Pharmacy Coverage

Drug List ?
Annual Deductible ?
First Level of Coverage ?
Generics ?
Preferred Brand ?
Non-preferred Brand ?
Preferred Specialty ?
Non-preferred Specialty ?
Over The Counter Drugs (OTC) ?
Coinsurance After First Level of Coverage ?

Other Services

Teleconsulta MD ?
Triple-S Natural (Alternative Medicine) ?
Travel Assistance Program ?
Salus Clinics ?
Preventive Care Program ?
Contigo Mamá ?
Triple-S en casa ?
Triple-S Salud App ?
Natural Fit (Gym, Yoga, Personal Trainer and more) ?
Triple-S Contigo ?