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Medical Policies

Medical policies are documents that define the plan coverage for technologies, procedures and treatments. The statements of medical necessity in the policies, about whether a technology, procedure, treatment, supply, equipment, drug or other service improves the health outcome of the population for which said technology or treatment was designed are based on scientific evidence, clinical studies and professional opinions from our providers and recognized medical organizations.

Each document displayed on this website is provided for informational purposes only and is not an authorization, explanation of benefits, or contract. Receiving benefits is subject to satisfaction of all terms and conditions of coverage. Medical technology is constantly changing, and we reserve the right to periodically review and update our policies.

ID Title Last Review Next Review Description Access
07.001.058 Artificial Intervertebral Disc: Cervical Spine May 17, 2024 May 20, 2025 Cervical disc arthroplasty may be considered medically necessary when all of the following criteria are... View
07.001.065 Artificial Intervertebral Disc: Lumbar Spine May 20, 2024 May 20, 2025 Artificial intervertebral discs of the lumbar spine are considered investigational.... View
07.001.072 Axial Lumbosacral Interbody Fusion May 16, 2024 May 20, 2025 Axial lumbosacral interbody fusion is considered... View
07.001.074 Facet Joint Denervation Dec 05, 2023 Dec 20, 2024 Nonpulsed radiofrequency denervation of cervical facet joints (c3-4 and below) and lumbar facet joints is... View
07.001.084 FUSION VERTEBRAL LUMBAR MINIMAMENTE INVASIVA Aug 22, 2017 Policy Archived Los siguientes procedimientos se reconocen para pago: fusión anterior: alif-abierto fusión posterior:... View
07.001.091 Electrical Stimulation of the Spine as an Adjunct to Spinal Fusion Procedures May 16, 2024 May 20, 2025 Either invasive or noninvasive methods of electrical bone growth stimulation may be considered medically... View
07.001.102 Lumbar Spinal Fusion Oct 18, 2023 Oct 20, 2024 Lumbar spinal fusion may be considered medically necessary for any one of the following conditions:... View
07.001.118 Percutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation, Percutaneous Neuromodulation Therapy, and Restorative Neurostimulation Therapy Aug 14, 2023 Aug 20, 2024 Percutaneous electrical neurostimulation is considered investigational. percutaneous neuromodulation... View
07.001.146 Discectomy Oct 26, 2023 Oct 20, 2024 Lumbar discectomy traditional approach (open) automated percutaneous discectomy automated endoscopic... View
07.001.158 Three-Dimensional Printed Orthopedic Implants Sep 09, 2020 Policy Archived Three-dimensional (3d) printed orthopedic implants that have a design that is approved or cleared by the food... View
07.001.162 Allograft Injection for Degenerative Disc Disease Jun 18, 2024 Jun 20, 2025 Injection of allograft into the intervertebral disc for the treatment of degenerative disc disease is... View
07.002.001 Intravenous Sedation Sep 11, 2019 Policy Archived Triple-s salud does not routinely recognize separate sedation payment for endoscopic procedures. these... View
07.002.002 Monitored Anesthesia Care Dec 04, 2023 Dec 20, 2024 The use of monitored anesthesia care may be considered medically necessary for gastrointestinal endoscopy,... View
08.001.002 Physical Therapy Services Mar 25, 2024 Policy Archived However, not all studies have found a benefit for mld over standard management for reducing limb volume... View
08.001.006 Vertebral Axial Decompression May 20, 2024 May 20, 2025 Vertebral axial decompression is considered... View
08.001.011 Manipulation Under Anesthesia May 20, 2024 May 20, 2025 Spinal manipulation and manipulation of other joints performed during the procedure (eg, hip joint) with the... View
08.001.030 OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY Jan 29, 2020 Policy Archived Occupational therapy services are considered for payment when they are performed to address the need of a... View
08.001.035 Aquatic Therapy Nov 11, 2020 Policy Archived Aquatic therapy to improve or restore physical function after illness, trauma or physical damage or loss of... View
08.001.050 Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation for Acute Myeloid Leukemia Feb 20, 2024 Feb 20, 2025 Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (hct) using a myeloablative conditioning regimen may be... View
08.001.053 Chimeric Antigen Receptor Therapy for Leukemia and Lymphoma Jan 08, 2024 Jan 20, 2025 Tisagenlecleucel for b-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia tisagenlecleucel is considered medically... View

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