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Medical Policies

Medical policies are documents that define the plan coverage for technologies, procedures and treatments. The statements of medical necessity in the policies, about whether a technology, procedure, treatment, supply, equipment, drug or other service improves the health outcome of the population for which said technology or treatment was designed are based on scientific evidence, clinical studies and professional opinions from our providers and recognized medical organizations.

Each document displayed on this website is provided for informational purposes only and is not an authorization, explanation of benefits, or contract. Receiving benefits is subject to satisfaction of all terms and conditions of coverage. Medical technology is constantly changing, and we reserve the right to periodically review and update our policies.

ID Title Last Review Next Review Description Access
01.001.020 Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation  Feb 28, 2024 Jan 20, 2025 A trial of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (tens) of at least 30 days may be... View
01.001.027 Interferential Current Stimulation Jul 03, 2023 Jul 20, 2024 Interferential current stimulation is... View
02.001.015 Paraspinal Surface Electromyography to Evaluate and Monitor Back Pain Jul 06, 2023 Jul 20, 2024 Paraspinal surface electromyography is considered investigational as a technique to diagnose or monitor back... View
02.001.020 Endovascular Procedures for Intracranial Arterial Disease (Atherosclerosis and Aneurysms) May 13, 2024 May 20, 2025 Intracranial stent placement may be considered medically necessary as part of the endovascular treatment of... View
02.001.026 Electromyography and Nerve Conduction Studies Jul 19, 2023 Jul 20, 2024 Electrodiagnostic assessment, consisting of electromyography, nerve conduction study, and related measures,... View
02.001.031 Biofeedback as a Treatment of Chronic Pain Dec 11, 2023 Dec 20, 2024 Biofeedback as a treatment of chronic pain, including but not limited to low back pain,... View
02.001.077 Epidural Steroid Injections for Neck or Back Pain  Dec 20, 2023 Dec 20, 2024 The diagnosis of lumbar radiculopathy is typically made by a combination of suggestive signs and symptoms in... View
02.002.018 Progenitor Cell Therapy for the Treatment of Damaged Myocardium due to Ischemia Jun 18, 2024 Jun 20, 2025 Progenitor cell therapy, including but not limited to skeletal myoblasts or hematopoietic cells, is... View
02.007.004 Somatosensory evoked potential studies visual/auditory Nov 10, 2021 Policy Archived Triple-s will consider for payment studies of evoked potentials when they are performed with the purpose of:... View
05.001.004 Botulinum Toxin Mar 12, 2024 Nov 20, 2024 The use of botulinum toxin may be considered medically necessary for the following:... View
05.001.015 Advanced Therapies for Pharmacologic Treatment of Pulmonary Hypertension  Dec 20, 2023 Dec 20, 2024 Pulmonary arterial hypertension (pah) combination therapy for the treatment of pah (world health... View
06.001.039 Dynamic Spinal Visualization and Vertebral Motion Analysis Oct 05, 2023 Oct 20, 2024 The use of dynamic spinal visualization is considered investigational. vertebral motion analysis is... View
06.001.045 Positional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Dec 14, 2023 Policy Archived Positional (nonrecumbent) magnetic resonance imaging is considered investigational, including its use in the... View
06.001.050 Duplex Sanning Nov 14, 2019 Policy Archived The duplex scanning in the evaluation of the arterial / venous flow of abdominal, pelvic organs and of the... View
06.001.061 Diagnosis and Treatment of Sacroiliac Joint Pain Dec 04, 2023 Dec 20, 2024 Arthrography of the sacroiliac joint (sij) is considered investigational. injection of anesthetic for... View
07.001.009 Computer-Assisted Navigation for Orthopedic Procedures May 17, 2024 May 20, 2025 Computer-assisted surgical navigation for orthopedic procedures is considered... View
07.001.014 Reduction Mammaplasty for Breast-Related Symptoms Mar 14, 2024 Mar 20, 2025 Reduction mammaplasty may be considered medically necessary for the treatment of macromastia when... View
07.001.029 Spinal Cord and Dorsal Root Ganglion Stimulation May 17, 2024 May 20, 2025 Spinal cord stimulation with standard or high-frequency stimulation may be considered medically... View
07.001.037 Bone Morphogenetic Protein May 12, 2024 May 20, 2025 Use of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (infuse™) may be considered medically necessary in... View
07.001.048 Intraoperative Neurophysiologic Monitoring May 06, 2024 May 20, 2025 Intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring, which includes somatosensory-evoked potentials, motor-evoked... View

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