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Radioembolization for Primary and Metastatic Tumors of the Liver

Radioembolization may be considered medically necessary to treat primary hepatocellular carcinoma that is unresectable and limited to the liver (see Policy Guidelines section).

Radioembolization may be considered medically necessary in primary hepatocellular carcinoma as a bridge to liver transplantation.

Radioembolization may be considered medically necessary to treat primary intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma in individuals with unresectable tumors.

Radioembolization may be considered medically necessary to treat hepatic metastases from neuroendocrine tumors (carcinoid and noncarcinoid) with diffuse and symptomatic disease when systemic therapy has failed to control symptoms.

Radioembolization may be considered medically necessary to treat unresectable hepatic metastases from colorectal carcinoma, melanoma (ocular or cutaneous), or breast cancer that are both progressive and diffuse, in individuals with liver-dominant disease who are refractory to chemotherapy or are not candidates for chemotherapy or other systemic therapies.

Radioembolization is considered investigational for all other hepatic metastases except as noted above.

Radioembolization is considered investigational for all other indications not described above.

787-277-6653 787-474-6326