Postal Service Employee Health Benefits Program (PSHB)
Postal Service employees and retirees, your health plan is changing for 2025. Learn more with our FAQ section and take action.
Important dates to remember:
• PSHB Open Enrollment Period: November 11 - December 9, 2024
• Effective date of new PSHB plans: January 1, 2025.
What is the Postal Service Reform Act of 2022 (PSRA)?
The Postal Service Reform Act of 2022 (PSRA) establishes a new separate Postal Service Health Benefits (PSHB) program. It is effective January 1, 2025. PSHB is administered by the Office of Personnel Management, known as OPM.
Who is eligible?
According to the law, Postal Service employees, Postal Service annuitants, and their family members who are currently eligible for coverage under the FEHB Program will be eligible for coverage under the PSHB Program.
Is there anything Postal Service employees and annuitants need to do to keep their health coverage?
Employees, annuitants, and eligible family members may continue to participate in the FEHB Program for the 2022, 2023, and 2024 plan years. Their current FEHB enrollment will continue unless they make any changes prior to January 2025. OPM and the Postal Service will continue to provide updates leading up to the 2024 PSHB Open Season to help ensure a smooth transition for all eligible employees and annuitants.
When can they select a plan under the new PSHB program?
The first opportunity to select a PSHB plan is during the Open Enrollment Period from November 11 through December 9, 2024. PSHB program benefits are effective January 1, 2025.
Are there any deadlines to enroll in a PSHB plan?
Eligible Postal Service employees and their annuitants must enroll in a PSHB plan during the Open Enrollment Period (OEP) from November 11 through December 9, 2024. Postal Service annuitants and their family members who are entitled to Medicare Part A must enroll in Medicare Part B during the Special Enrollment Period (SEP) before September 31, 2024 to be eligible to continue PSHB coverage.
Will the PSHB Program affect enrollment in any other benefits?
Enrollment in a PSHB plan will not disrupt enrollment in other insurance and benefits programs, including:
- Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP)
- Federal Flexible Spending Account Program (FSAFEDS)
- Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance (FEGLI), or
- Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program (FLTCIP)
Can Postal Service employees, their eligible family members and annuitants remain in an FEHB plan in 2025?
No. Eligible Postal Service employees and annuitants must enroll in a PSHB plan during the 2024 Open Enrollment Period or they will be automatically enrolled.
Is the ability of family members and annuitants who are separately eligible to enroll in FEHB plans affected?
No. If a family member of a Postal Service employee or retiree meets the eligibility requirements for enrollment in a FEHB plan because he or she is an employee of the Federal government, the law does not affect his or her ability, or that of eligible family members, to enroll in a FEHB plan.
Will there be an opportunity to enroll in Medicare Part B without a late enrollment penalty?
Yes, most Postal Service retirees and their Medicare Part A-eligible family members can enroll in Medicare Part B during the Special Enrollment Period (SEP). This SEP ends on September 31st, 2024.
Those who qualify for the SEP must have received a separate notice by April 1, 2024.
Does the implementation of the PSHB Program affect eligibility for post-retirement benefits?
Yes. Subject to limited exceptions, Postal Service annuitants and their family members who are entitled to Medicare Part A must enroll in Medicare Part B to be eligible to continue PSHB coverage.