Have you ever wondered if you could live at home with a chronic health condition or physical limitation? You have likely insured your property in many, but… is it comfortable for when you get older? Having the opportunity to live in your own home safely and independently is part of a healthy lifestyle. it will allow you to live in it for many years.

Many houses are built without considering the needs of the elderly population, and that is why, in the long term, you find common elements that become obstacles, affecting your daily routine.

A study conducted by AARP revealed that Baby Boomers recognize the benefits of enabling accessible and functional house design to stay in their homes for many years.

Changes can range from simple rearranging and redistributing existing elements to more complex things such as remodeling and construction. In this article, we help you start planning so you can invest in your future

Rearrange and distribute:

– If you have a multiple level home, consider enabling a room on the first floor.

– Create smooth transitions from space to space.

– Eliminate obstacles to allow mobility and make space for walking around comfortably.

– Do your research on adequate lighting.

Remodel and build:

– Work on no slippery floors to prevent falls.

– Add a bathroom on the first floor of the house.

– Install easy-to-reach receptacles and switches.

– Entrance or access to the residence that is free of steps.

– Installation of safety bars for weight support and safe mobility

– Installation of lever locks, which facilitate the action of opening and closing rooms.

– Step-free shower entry and flexible hand shower

– Tall toilets with knee room

– Equipment within reach for a person in a wheelchair, such as a washing machine with a front door, sink and accessible cabinets.

Start planning your home early so it will be habitable in the future. Choose to live your senior years in a home accessible to your needs and the comforts you deserve at this stage.