Triple-S continues to make life simpler for its members. Suppose you are interested in saving time and starting your health care in the comfort of your home. In that case, we present the Triple-S en casa mobile app. If you are a Triple-S Salud or Triple-S Advantage member with pharmacy coverage, using this app, you can coordinate to get your prescription and OTC items wherever you want.

The first step is downloading the app on your cell phone or tablet.

    1. Search for the Triple-S en Casa app on GooglePlay for Android and the App Store for iOS (iPhone).
    2. Download the mobile app on your cell phone or tablet.
    3. Order your prescriptions.
    4. Order the OTC products you want or need that are available in the formulary.
    5. Get them straight to your home, work, or preferred place.


Prescribed medications

To get your prescribed medications, you must follow these steps:

    1. If your doctor gave you the prescription on paper, take a photo of it through the app’s camera. Another option is for your doctor to send the prescription electronically to the pharmacy.
    2. When your prescription is ready, you will get a text message or an email:
      1. Open it.
      2. Your medication will be in the cart.
      3. Press Order.
      4. Make the co-payment if needed.
    3. Specify the address where you want to get the medicines or products.
    4. Choose the date and time.
    5. When the messenger delivers your medications, give him the original paper prescription and show your photo ID.


Over the Counter (OTC) medications or general products

These are medications sold directly to the consumer without needing a medical prescription. They are most often used to treat mild symptoms or illnesses. For example, fever or pain relievers, creams, lotions, or on the skin ointments for muscle pain aid, skin irritations, or hemorrhoids; vitamin and mineral supplements; medications to treat colds; treatments for constipation, diarrhea or stomach upset; and antihistamines; among others. Also, under OTC, there are non-medication products that you can choose from the app, such as vitamins, eye drops (refresh), ointments, nutritional shakes, and sunscreen, among others.

To get your OTC medications or on hand products, you must follow these steps: Look for the Triple-S en Casa where it says “Mi Mercado”. There, you will find the formulary with over 1,400 OTC products. You can add or buy them to your cart without ordering prescribed medications.

An OTC medication can be OK for relieving mild symptoms. But if the symptoms are severe or persistent, consult your doctor immediately.