If we were to list all the positive qualities of a woman, this would become an endless project. Women have traditionally been defined as complex beings due to their great ability to span several dimensions. They are versatile and holistic. Therefore, in order to secure their total wellbeing, there should be a balance among the many important elements in their lives.

Wellbeing is defined as an individual’s subjective experience in which they enjoy an overall satisfaction brought about by the stability of the different aspects that make up their circumstances. This wellbeing is a convergence of, although not limited to, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, financial, occupational or professional, and environmental factors. The integration of these elements is important for all human beings. But each gender has its own specific needs and, therefore, experiences gratification—and the way to achieve it—differently.

In the case of women, each of these stages is fascinating, as they all impact the decisions that make up a woman’s present and give shape to her future. These stages include infancy, the promotion of family values, the perception of feminine roles at home, starting to walk, going to school, playing, menstruating, their first romantic relationship, pregnancy, growing old… 

Inner and outer beauty: The aesthetic standards of physical features and attractiveness are important for women. This includes their appearance, hygiene, and beauty habits. Women usually take good care of themselves since childhood. But beauty not only encompasses good looks: it is a subjective appreciation. Charm comprises several elements, including inner beauty, that is: kindness, tolerance, how they treat others, and their attitude towards different issues in life.  A woman who is beautiful on the inside will be charming for everyone. 

Mental health and emotional stability: Mental health includes a person’s emotional, psychological, and social wellbeing. Having stable mental health can help a person effectively handle stressful situations, maintain good personal and professional relationships, connect with others, contribute to the community, be efficient in their daily tasks, and be productive at work. A strong mental health will yield proportional benefits to a woman’s emotional stability and ability to handle her emotions in a positive manner in order to be a stable and balanced human being. Let’s remember that women play countless roles in terms of their family, their work, and their daily tasks.

Physical health: According to the World Health Organization, physical health refers to the body’s wellbeing and optimal functioning. It is an absence of or control over diseases and the proper physical functioning of the body. Physical health is interrelated with other elements as it helps prolong and improve the quality of life. Most women try to follow a healthy diet. They know they must stay active. They maintain a good hygiene, which helps prevent illnesses. Women must also go to the doctor regularly to ensure the optimal health of their reproductive system. If they get sick, they bear it in juxtaposition to their daily roles.

Sexual health: For years, this topic was a taboo. Currently, the subject seems to be more open for sharing, having opinions, or stating preferences and concerns. Talking about sexual needs can encourage closeness between a lady and her partner and promote her satisfaction. It is important for a woman to feel confident about her sexuality, and this includes healthy relationships, pregnancy planning, and disease prevention. Intimacy is not only about her sexual needs. Intimacy also encompasses emotional, spiritual, physical, and recreational needs. Her sex life is and should be one of the important factors in her overall wellbeing.

Empowerment: We’ve heard a lot lately about women’s empowerment by fostering their participation in different sectors, such as helping build strong economies, establishing more stable societies, and reaching objectives in terms of development, sustainability, and human rights. Women are becoming increasingly prominent in the professional and community fields. Their new sense of empowerment entails knowing themselves, setting short- and long-term goals for themselves, challenging themselves by getting out of their comfort zones, building their own networks of contacts and acquaintances, training, and above all, working on their self-esteem and confidence. 

Family environment: Why is family important for women? Their role starts with the creation, establishment, and maintenance of the values required to form a family. This includes the roles of wife, mother, daughter, sister, or any other relationship that is important to them. Their great capacity for resilience and strength becomes a solid pillar for their family.

A woman, just like any human being, will constantly face different issues and setbacks. Their feminine wellbeing will allow them to evaluate, analyze, adapt, solve, and overcome these issues with such natural ease that they won’t even notice it.

Some tips to be a healthy woman:

  1. Visit your primary care physician frequently
  2. Watch what you eat
  3. Stay physically active
  4. Take care of your sleep and rest
  5. Eliminate any situations that cause you stress
  6. Learn to say “no”
  7. Do not smoke or use drugs
  8. Practice kindness and empathy
  9. Challenge your mind
  10. Avoid loneliness and isolation
