In June, the LBGTQAI+ community celebrates International Pride Month. This celebration reaffirms the community’s pride in its sexual orientation and gender identity and enables its presence in society through its respect, dignity, and inclusion demands.

To raise awareness, for several years at Triple-S, we have carried out a series of efforts to amplify inclusion as part of our commitment to the LGBTQIA+ community. And this year, 2024, is no exception! We close this month with a flourish as we have launched a community of LGBTQIA+ employees and allies called RESPECT.


In this launch, around 500 employees participated virtually and in person to allow them to be part of this new RESPECT group to continue promoting an inclusive and respectful workplace. According to Ilia Rodríguez, chief talent and administrative officer at Triple-S, being part of the culture and values ​​of this company is having communities of employees that give way to diverse perspectives with safe spaces in which “people can be as they are and can receive the necessary support to serve a diverse population better.”

As an added value, the event included a workshop offered by Dr. Miguel Vázquez, executive director of True Self Foundation and psychologist by profession, where he spoke with employees about critical aspects of creating an appropriate environment and leading safe spaces for the LGBTQIA+ community. Dr. Vázquez explained, “In the case of the LGBTQIA+ community, for many years, we have faced discrimination and rejection without the opportunity to be represented in various sectors of society, and therefore, the option of living in the closet. Today, although the topic is discussed more openly, it is important to continue educating and giving visibility to creating communities such as RESPECT in work environments to promote greater equity, diversity, and respect.”

What points were highlighted during the workshop?

  • In a community that is a minority, we must be able to counteract prejudice and possible discrimination on the part of the majority.
  • The lack of knowledge and visibility leads to creating policies that do not consider the reality of the community.
  • The coming out process should be a decision each person makes without intervention from family, friends, or acquaintances.
  • It is up to each community member to know and accept their identity.
  • Historically, in the absence of role models, the process of self-acceptance is sometimes complicated.

Dr. Vázquez explained that, in his case, he attended an all-boys Catholic school and that he tended to reject his feminine side. Over the years, these circumstances have changed, and today, he can express himself as a “proud gay man.” The Doctor pointed out that because they are a minority community and are often exposed to tremendous pressure to conform to their identity, this population tends to have a greater risk of suicidal ideation and risky behaviors such as substance abuse. This risk is even greater if there is rejection from the family. Likewise, he urged those present to seek to understand the reality of trans people, who are a minority within the minority.


These realities and the genuine desire to promote education and visibility for the LGBTQIA+ community led Dr. Vázquez and a group of committed people to create the nonprofit organization True Self Foundation in 2017 to work to promote a society fairer and more inclusive for communities of sexual diversity and gender identity. True Self supports economic mobility through entrepreneurship, scholarships, legal services to facilitate the legal transition, and partial scholarships for the medical transition process. Additionally, in an election year in which there is growing polarization over the rights of diverse communities, True Self has partnered with similar organizations to promote voter registration, voting, and education about the candidates’ positions.

This year, the organization will celebrate the “All OUT 5K Weekend” from June 28 to 30 with several events in the Convention Center District, where San Juan will dress in the colors of love and equity. For more information, visit