Bones become weaker over time, so it is common for older adults to feel bone weakness. This makes falling more unsafe, and something as simple as tripping can cause hard breaks.

As we age, bones become weaker for many reasons, such as losing minerals such as calcium and vitamin D, which make bones brittle and less dense. Bones are also affected by hormonal changes, such as the drop in estrogen in women and testosterone in men. Not being active, smoking, and drinking alcohol can also make them weaker. Genetics also plays a role, as some people have naturally weaker bones.

Therefore, protecting them and preventing falls is vital, which can be unsafe for people with weaker bones. We suggest you take a moment to list things you can do to help build up your bones. For example:

  1. Eat a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, as these nutrients are vital to strong bones. These include milk, cheese, ice cream, yogurt, beans and peas, and greens such as spinach, cabbage, and broccoli. If needed, take supplements to ensure you are getting enough of these nutrients.
  2. Routine exercise can help build strong muscles and bones, improve balance and coordination, and reduce the risk of falls.
  3. Keeping a healthy weight is also key since too much weight can put more pressure on the bones and raise the risk of fractures.

Then, make a second list of possible ways to skip hazards that could cause you to trip or fall and ask for help doing them. Some examples are moving loose rugs and poorly placed furniture, lifting lightweight furniture that may move when you lean on it, ensuring the whole house is well-lit, installing handrails in certain parts of the house, and always wearing closed-toe rubber shoes.

Another equally important measure is to talk to your doctor about whether you need any tests to measure your bone thickness to determine your bones’ health. These may be X-rays, which give a detailed view of bone structure, and CT scans and sonograms, which give more real and complete images of the bones. Your doctor will be able to decide if it is needed to have these studies in your routine health exam, because routine screenings can help you find problems early and take proper preventive measures to keep your bones healthy.

Preventing falls can be as simple as taking care of your bones and making your home safer. Feel safer and protect yourself with a few simple adjustments.
