By: Minerva Díaz Aristud, Triple-S Health Educator

Holiday season is here: a time filled with the excitement of parrandas, parties, music, traditional dishes, and all sorts of activities.  For many, this is a time to share the joy of Christmas with family and friends.  But even in these months packed with get-togethers and merry gatherings, we may not be able to spend time with family members or important people in our lives, perhaps due to distance or the hectic pace of everyday life.

This year, I invite you to celebrate while staying in touch with your own selves and with your loved ones.  Make time in your calendars to keep up with the people who are the real reason for celebrating the holidays.  This will help your physical and emotional well-being. 

You may be wondering how to stay in touch, so we’ve listed below a few ways in which you can connect with the important people in your life, to help you feel less lonely.

  • Plan to gather with your loved ones over dinner, breakfast, or a simple get-together, to reminisce about old times and thank them for being part of your life.

  • Host a crafting session to make holiday cards and spark your creativity with a fun activity that will help you connect with your kids, grandchildren, and loved ones.

  • Invite your family, friends, or neighbors (even if they’re not physically present) to do an activity at the same time, such as brewing coffee, watching an episode of a show, or preparing a special meal, among other things.  Then set up a virtual meeting or phone call to share the experience.  Something as simple as this can help you keep in touch with those who are not so close.

  • Make time to garden, take a barefoot stroll along the beach, or walk your pet in an area you enjoy as a way to connect with nature —this is important as it has a positive effect on your physical, mental, and spiritual health.

  • And whenever you need to connect with yourself, let go and enjoy the silence as a positive experience, meditate, or engage in a relaxing activity to find peace in whatever difficult situation you may face.

Remember that staying in touch is more than having a conversation or get-together. It means paying more attention to others and to yourself, finding yourself, sharing your likes, dislikes, sorrows, and joys.

Enjoy the holidays and STAY IN TOUCH!