Traveling alone can be very fun and enriching. It may also be an activity that can change your life. It’s an excellent way to open your mind, take care of yourself, recharge your energy, motivate yourself, and even become more creative. We want to share some benefits and ideas for solo travel destinations with you. Being alone can turn into something positive for your confidence, security, and self-esteem. Also, you will find that it’s more economical and more accessible.

Benefits of traveling alone:

  1. The plan is all yours: You’ll have complete control over everything, from the time you spend in a museum to the list of places you want to visit. Everything is at your own pace, on your schedule, and you don’t have to worry about pleasing others.
  2. Explore at your own pace: You don’t have to rush from one place to another. You can walk at your own pace; take the time you need to explore and decide how long to spend in each place you visit. If you don’t feel like walking, you don’t have to, and if you want to take a walk, you don’t have to take a taxi.
  3. No pressure: As you don’t have to worry about others, there will be less anxiety and fewer chances of a stressful situation.
  4. You don’t wait for anyone: You don’t have to wait for anyone to finish getting ready in the morning or go out.
  5. It’s cheaper: You only pay for yourself. Plus, you can choose where to spend your money and travel on a budget.
  6. Appreciate your own company: You will learn to enjoy your alone time, which helps you value yourself and understand that your happiness doesn’t depend on others. It is an opportunity to incorporate activities you want and to enjoy your own company.

However, traveling alone also requires a lot of attention, as you must be careful and pay attention to your safety. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Research the place you want to go to very well, its weather, its political situation, and whether it’s safe for tourists.
  • Before selecting where you will stay, read about the safe and dangerous areas in that place.
  • Bring just the essentials and travel light to make it easy for you to move around.
  • Make an itinerary to visit the places that interest you the most. Leave free time within the itinerary.
  • Share your itinerary, flight dates and times, and hotel information with your family before you go, including contact information.
  • Take safety measures like texting a family member twice daily, even if it’s a short message.
  • Use only taxis from companies or Uber. Share your trip digitally with a family member if possible.
  • Sign up for excursions; they will take care of the tickets and transportation, and you will travel in a group.
  • Purchase travel insurance so you are covered in the event of any medical or personal emergency. At Triple-S we have several options. Request it and get it in 5 minutes, visiting

Where to go?

A good idea for a destination to start experiencing traveling alone can be staying right here in Puerto Rico. Select an area or a hotel and look for exciting things to do. It will be a good starting point as you will feel comfortable because you know the language and the culture.

If you’ve already decided to take a trip outside Puerto Rico, an excellent option is to join an organized trip. This makes it easier to coordinate transportation, select hotels, move your luggage, and there will be someone looking out for you. Also, solo travelers often go on these trips.

Suppose you prefer to organize your trip. In that case, you can start by choosing a destination with a single location, such as a city or a hotel for relaxation. From there, you can inquire about daytime excursions to explore neighboring areas.

Traveling alone allows you to grow, explore, and enjoy total freedom, making each trip an unforgettable experience of self-discovery and personal fulfillment.