By: Lydia Figueroa, Executive Director of Fundación Triple-S

Loneliness and social isolation are realities that deeply affect our communities, and their impact is particularly painful on the most vulnerable groups, including older adults and young people.

The evidence is clear: loneliness deteriorates emotional health and has serious physical consequences. Faced with this reality, we decided to act—not only to mitigate the consequences of isolation but also to promote genuine human connections.

Throughout this year, Fundación Triple-S has financially supported more than 10 organizations and initiatives to address the issue and has called on our Triple-S employees to volunteer in different organizations that promote the health and quality of life of our people.

In addition, we have commissioned surveys and collected data to better understand this problem’s magnitude and called on the government, academia and all sectors to integrate this cause into their national agendas. Data such as that three out of five (59.2%) of students between 6th and 12th grade report that they suffer from moderate loneliness stand out. The issue of loneliness is more acute in the adult population than social isolation; around 31.47% of them reported that they lacked company.

Combating social isolation and loneliness is within everyone’s reach. Companies can play a fundamental role. For example, at Triple-S, we turned the 65th-anniversary celebration into a volunteer event, visiting 77 long-term care centers with more than 600 employees.

Whether you share a message of support and prevention with examples like those we provide on our educational portal,, your participation has a real impact. Remember that every gesture, no matter how small, has the power to change lives.

In 2025, let us strengthen our ties in the family, school, community, and work. Let us propose to create an even stronger bond between us.

Imagine Puerto Rico where no one feels alone.

We must aspire to a future where everyone, regardless of age or condition, feels appreciated and connected. To achieve this, we need a collective effort. We need a community that comes together to fight against loneliness, isolation, and the vulnerability of our seniors and other at-risk populations. Your participation is essential because we can make this dream a reality together.

The well-being of our people depends on small actions repeated many times. Every act of kindness adds up, and every support action strengthens our mission, bringing us closer to a more supportive, united, and humane Puerto Rico.

Loneliness does not have to be a reality. Let’s make connections, solidarity, and love the pillars of our society!