About 84,100 teens and young adults between the ages of 15 and 39 will be diagnosed with cancer in the United States in 2024, as stated by the National Cancer Institute. This represents just about 4.2% of all cancer diagnoses in the nation. The diagnoses of cancer in this population are breast cancer, thyroid cancer, testicular cancer, and skin cancer. If we segment the cases by age, most diagnoses are distributed as follows:

  • 15 to 19 years: thyroid cancer, Hodgkin lymphoma, brain and central nervous system tumors, and non-Hodgkin lymphomas

  • 20 to 29 years: thyroid cancer, testicular cancer, skin cancer, and Hodgkin lymphoma

  • 30 to 39 years: breast cancer, thyroid cancer, skin cancer, colorectal cancer

Breast cancer is when not normal cells grow in the breast. It can cause lumps in the breast, changes in the skin, or nipple discharge. To detect it, women can have mammograms, which are X-rays of the breasts. Fortunately, treatments are becoming more helpful lately, increasing the chances of a cure.

The thyroid is a small gland that produces hormones that affect almost every organ in the body and control many of its functions. There are four types of thyroid cancer, which differ in how aggressive they can be. The most common symptoms are a lump in the neck, trouble breathing or swallowing, hoarseness, or voice changes that do not improve. To detect it, there are thyroid tests and a biopsy on the nodule. Treatments vary according to the type of cancer diagnosed.

The testicles produce male hormones and sperm. Testicular cancer can have symptoms such as a lump or swelling in either testicle, changes in how the testicle feels, pain in the belly or groin, fluid buildup or pain in the testicle or scrotum. It is a rare disease, and most can be cured even if diagnosed at an older age.

Melanoma can form on any part of the skin, on mucous membranes such as the nose or mouth, and in the eyes. Signs include new or changing spots in size and color, wounds that do not heal, red moles, or changes or growth in moles. There are no screening tests, but it can be prevented by avoiding sunburn, protecting oneself, and using sunscreen frequently. Surgery is usually the first treatment. Others may include chemotherapy and radiation, among other therapies.

This increase in cancer in young people puts them on alert to not only get a medical check-up regularly but also to consider protecting themselves with a cancer policy. 

Triple-S offers two types of insurance that can help you in the event of a cancer diagnosis. 

  • Cancer Insurance helps you pay for treatment costs and other costs you may incur during that process. There are different types of insurance, and you choose the one that suits you best.
  • Life Insurance is to protect your family if you are no longer there financially.

For more information, please visit sssvida.com
