One more year Puerto Ricans will have the opportunity to celebrate and enjoy at Fiestas de la Calle San Sebastián, but this time commemorating the 50th anniversary!  A festive atmosphere full of culture, gastronomy, music and artisans awaits through the rhythm of the song “voy subiendo, voy bajando”.  During the enjoyment of the event it is important to take precautions, so our health will not be affected while we are going up and down through the SANSE.

While we are having fun at the party, we must practice modifications in habits and behaviors that promote positive actions in our health.  We encourage you to follow these recommendations:

  • Identify medical stations, especially if you suffer from any medical condition.
  • Take with you the any maintenance medication and keep identified the tablet container.
  • Stay hydrated with liquids, preferably with water or isotonic drinks for athletes. If you drink alcohol, intercalate with hydrated drinks.
  • Please do not accept glasses with ice, open cans, drinks and do not leave your drink unattended. Carry you own glass cooler for drinking.
  • Locate the public toilets because in most of the establishments the bathrooms are only for their customers.
  • Carry out hand sanitizers.
  • Protégete de las picaduras de mosquitos con repelente y del sol con sombreros y bloqueador solar.
  • Wear comfortable clothes and shoes such as tennis shoes, it is recommended covering your foot.
  • Confirm the weather bureau before leaving to be prepared.
  • Establish a meeting point with your family and friends.
  • Make sure you charge the cellphone battery or carry an external charger.

Let’s start in good health and good spirit in 2020 to continue the celebration of the longest Christmas in the world during la SANSE.